# Overview

# What is Bitcoin?

MyNode's primary purpose is to run a full Bitcoin full node. Bitcoin is a revolutionary protocol to transact value between two parties without a trusted intermediary.

# What is a full-node?

A full node verifies every block mined by miners and relayed by its peers before adding it to the chain. It also broadcasts transactions of users to be mined and maintains a pool of pending transactions.

# Benefits

  • Trustless: Have a personal copy of the entire verified transaction history
  • Privacy: Check your balance and transactions without leaking any information
  • Censorship resistance: It also enables broadcasting of transactions without fear of censorship.
  • Network resilience: independently validate blocks to increase security and resilience

# Features

  • Private by default: Hide your IP behind Tor
  • CLI on GUI: Use bitcoin-cli commands from your browser
  • Flexible: Customize configuration and connect any apps via RPC

# Hardware Limitations

  • The number of CPU cores used by MyNode is fixed at the number of available cores minus 1 to limit CPU usage.
  • On devices with little RAM, Bitcoin will limit RAM usage to prevent low memory issues

# Specs

  • Version: 0.21.1
  • Memory required: 335 GB (as of Aug 23, 2020)
  • Data location: /mnt/mynode/bitcoin which is also linked at /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin