# Customizing MyNode with Scripts

Developers or advanced users may want to run custom scripts at certain points in time to customize their expecience. This is facilitated through "hook" bash scripts. A user who puts a script in specific location will have it executed automatically by MyNode at the proper time.

# Adding a Hook Script

The hook scripts can be placed at the desired location by adding the file through the Linux terminal. For example, you can use nano to create a script like this:

Open Editor:

sudo nano /usr/local/bin/mynode_hook_pre_startup.sh



touch /tmp/mynode_hook_pre_startup_complete

After adding this script, the next time the device reboots, it will run the hook script during the startup process. To prove it was executed, look to see if the /tmp/mynode_hook_pre_startup_complete file was created. If so, your script was successfully executed!

Caution: Any serious errors or infinite loops may negatively affect MyNode behavior.

# Hook Script Options

File Location Description
/usr/local/bin/mynode_hook_pre_startup.sh This script is executed during MyNode startup, prior to the drive being mounted.
/usr/local/bin/mynode_hook_post_startup.sh This script is executed during MyNode startup, after the drive being mounted and basic setup has completed. Services like Bitcoin, LND, and other applications have not started.
/usr/local/bin/mynode_hook_post_bitcoin_synced.sh This script is executed after Bitcoin has started and it has synced to the tip.

This script can execute multiple times if Bitcoin happens to get significantly out of sync and then catches back up.